
Thursday, August 8, 2013

{Homemade} Laundry Detergent

Let's talk laundry.  One of those absolute, must do, chores.  
Multiple times a week around here!

About 2 years ago, my mom started making her own laundry soap.  She finally convinced me to try some out; I loved it!

It smelled clean and fresh, and it was lacking all those gross chemicals found in the majority of detergents out there.

She helped me mix up a batch of detergent, and IT LASTED ME A WHOLE YEAR!

It cost me 8.77 for all the ingredients.  

And because it lasted me a whole year, 
It only cost me $8.77 to do a YEAR's worth of laundry!

I would say that's a significant savings.

Want to majorly cut back on the cost of detergent?  Read on, my friend.



6 cups Borax
6 cups Washing Soda
1 Fels-Naptha bar
3 (three ounce) bars Ivory Soap, original


  • Get a large plastic bucket, and use this to mix it up and store it!

  • Grate the fels-naptha bar, and 3 Ivory soap bars with a cheese grater.

  • Measure Borax and Washing Soda into your bucket. 

  • Pour in grated soaps.

  • Mix thoroughly.



To use, simply add 1 Tablespoon to your laundry.  I have a front loading washer, and it works great!

Since we're talking about laundry, let me mention that I've also stopped using fabric softener.  I now use....

That's right!  I just use vinegar instead.  Contrary to what you are thinking right now, it does NOT make your clothes smell even remotely vinegar-y!  It gets them nice and clean, with no chemicals.  

I just add a dryer sheet to my clothes when I dry them, and it gives them a light clean smell.

The best part is it only costs $1.97 for a JUG of vinegar.  That is SO MUCH CHEAPER than buying fabric softener!  

To make it easier to pour, I use that little blue water bottle.  I use anywhere from 1/4 to 1/3 cup of vinegar for each load.

Now that you know all my secrets, make yourself some detergent!


  1. Borax is great to use around the house. I like to make my own soap, but I keep extra Borax for other cleaning tasks. Houston water damage

  2. Thanks for the recipe, I keep forgetting to make this, but I definitely will now. Thanks also for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  3. Great ideas.. I purchased Borax the other day. I add it to my wash instead of Oxi-clean. It is not toxic and cost at lot less too.

  4. Is this ok for High Efficiency (HE) washing machines?
    Excellent idea, this really caught my eye….I wanted to invite you to share this at my linky party going on now. Hope to see you there…

    Christina at
    Thursday SWEET HAUTE Share Linky Party

    1. Yes! This works in HE machines. That's what I have!

  5. I tried this, but it would make my blacks have bleached spots. Any idea why?

    1. That's really strange....I've been using this exact recipe over a year, and never had that happen. I have no clue....

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