
Friday, February 5, 2010

Thrift Store Frame turned Burlap Beauty!

I found the coolest frame at goodwill a few weeks back:

I LOVE the details on the frame! So neat! I was not in love with the weird, goldish winged horse. I mean really....ugly!

I've been trying to figure out what do with it. Then it hit me. Of course! Spray Paint!

So, I gave it a good coat of black spray paint.

I have had some burlap that I have been wanting to do something with, so I thought that would make a good "background".

I took the back off the frame, and used it as a guide to cut my burlap. I then cut outside the line I drew, to give myself enough burlap to go over the edges. You want some extra fabric, so that it fits nice and tight in the frame.

I think it looks good so far:

Next, what should go inside? I have thought about it way too much! I have some extra damask fabric ( I LOVE DAMASK!) from doing my kitchen curtains. So, I carefully cut out a little damask swirly thing.

I gave the damask cut out a quick spray of spray on adhesive (I use 3M), and then positioned it inside the frame.

Here it is!


  1. Oh my cute! I may have to run by Goodwill soon!

  2. That is so cute! I am always at goodwill and I would have looked at that and just passed it by. You are so creative! Love your blog!

  3. That frame is gorgeous! It turned out great!

  4. Just found your blog tonight and GIRL that frame is AWESOME! I love it!

  5. love that frame!! i need to go rummaging for some problem is im too cheap! when we went to the goodwill last time I saw some marked between 3-6 bucks...I can only do 2 and under!!! hopefully ill find a good deal soon :)

  6. I love this! I am a sucker for burlap. I'm impressed that you coudl see that item, and see the potential. I gotta work on that part! :) Thanks for sharing.

  7. your turned out awesome!! Love the burlap!


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