
Friday, December 3, 2010

{No Sew} Turtle Stocking

If you ask your child what their favorite animal is, how many say "Turtles!!!!"?

Well, Miss J does.  She even had a turtle themed birthday party-this kid loves turtles!
I was not surprised when she asked for a turtle stocking this year.  

A quick how to:

Supplies needed:

Glue Gun
Googly Eyes
Pre-made plain stocking (got mine at Wal-Mart)

Start by cutting out your paper pattern.  
If you would like to use mine, just right click the picutre and save it/print it.

Cut the pieces apart to use and patterns; like so:

Lay your paper pattern on your felt, and trace around the pattern.  Cut each piece out.

Next, get ready to glue! Hot glue your pieces to your stocking.  

Should look like this:

Close up of the turtle:

Being adored by Miss J:

Merry Christmas!!