
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

DIY Lucite Tray

I love the look of Lucite trays! They are super classy, but run a little spendy for me.

I mean, it's just a plastic box.

So, I found some Pinterest inspiration, and crafted my own.

It turned out just like I hoped!

Supplies Needed

Clear Acrylic Frame
Scrapbook Paper
Painter's Tape
Spray Paint

How To

This honestly couldn't be easier!  SUCH a simple project.

Start out with a clear acrylic frame.  I got mine at Hobby Lobby (use a coupon!!).

Remove all the packaging and the backing.  You are left with a clear tray!

To dress it up a little, use a 12x12 piece of scrapbook paper.  I used a little tape to attach the paper to the bottom of the tray.

At this point, I was loving how it looked!

After a few days, I just felt like it was missing something.  Does anyone else obsess over stuff like this?  Oh, it's just me!

It just seemed too.....plain.

I decided to add some brassy accents.  Not too much.  That meant painters tape and spray paint!

Start by taping off your corners.  Decide how much paint you want on each edge.  I went for a rectangular look, you could do a square.

Flip over your tray and tape off the bottom.  You only want to spray paint your corners.

Next, pull out your favorite spray paint.  Mine is for sure this lovely brass color by Valspar.  I have used it on quite a few projects lately.

Give it 2 or 3 coats, with plenty of dry time in between.  Gently peel off your tape.

I started doing a happy dance here.  Lovely!!

Put your scrapbook paper back in the bottom, and you now have a *very* classy Lucite tray!

Love the dreamy corners!

Fits right in with our new upstairs living room!


  1. Love the tray, it looks amazing. I really need to make one of these, it is stunning. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  2. super cool tray! I have a lot of those frames lying around, this is such a great idea! thanks for sharing!

  3. This is super! I have several places around here that need trays for styling purposes and I can't bring myself to spring for a $40 one. Pinned it! Also, I found this via New Nostalgia! ~ Ali from Pies & Puggles

  4. I like the plain version. :) This is such a good idea. I love clear acrylic organizers but they are SO expensive for what they are... going to have to peruse the frame section to see what I can come up with!

  5. This is BEAUTIFUL! Love the gold! Would love to have you share this at my link party going on!

  6. Love this. This would be perfect for my desk!

  7. It looks great!
    bye bye

  8. Very chic and smart!! The gang over at My Personal Accent, would like to invite you to link-up this very clever post at our new Blog Strut Peacock Style Link Party. Share as many of your creative ideas, recipes, and any other family friendly content as you like. We will be pinning every submission we receive. If you have a giveaway or contest you’d like to promote, feel free to post it on our giveaway page. Come on over and show us what you’ve got!

  9. I just wanted to let you know that I featured your wonderful project on homework. Thanks so much for sharing it on The Inspiration Board. Have a great weekend!

    homework &

  10. You rocked it. Linking over tomorrow!!!

  11. Thank you so much for linking to the Whimsy Wednesday Link Party! I featured you in today's roundup!


  12. LOVE this! I have had a try on my to DIY list. Yours turned out just loved. New follower on bloglovin. :)

  13. This is so awesome! I too love the trays, but don't want to spend the cash on them when I know they will end up scratched or worse. Love love this idea and your lovely blog!


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