
Friday, October 18, 2013

DIY {Rolling} Wood Crates

It's been a while since I posted!  I've been so busy with school starting back up, soccer, and preparing for all the upcoming holidays.

In the middle of all that craziness, I've been working on something really fun.  A full pantry re-do!

You'll have to wait until November 1st to see the full reveal-when I guest post over at GingerSnap Crafts.

For now, here is one of the many projects I tackled to get our horrid pantry in pristine condition.

As with my of DIY projects, this one started as a need to solve a problem-I needed a way to keep food off the floor (my pet peeve!)

The solution I finally came up with was wood crates that roll!  
I didn't want our wood floors to get scratched up by them, so wheels were a must.

I ordered some wood crates from Home Depot.  I know Michael's and Joann's carry them too sometimes.

At first, I thought I would stain all of them.

I loved this weathered gray stain.  But staining was a total pain! 

 I'm a FAST DIY kind of girl.  

So after one crate, and my feet looking like this:

I was DONE with staining.  I had no idea it was so messy, or time consuming.

Out came my trusty spray paint for the other two.

After spray painting and staining were done, it was time for the easy part.  Adding wheels!

I bought these wheels that roll AND swivel (fancy!) from Lowe's.

Each wheel took four screws.  Save yourself some time and use a drill!

The wheels are cute, and make it so much easier to pull the crates in and out of the pantry!

Add a little vinyl, and done!