This was such a fun and easy little project! It has been on my to do list for literally years!
I finally got around to making them, and wanted to share with you how you can make one too!
Supplies needed
1/4 yard fabric
1/8 yard clear vinyl (found at all fabric stores, and even wal-mart!)
Plastic Pellets (found on doll aisle at Hobby Lobby)
Sewing machine
Start by cutting out all your fabric
You will need:
Two strips measuring 4.75"x2"
two strips measuring in 7.75"x2"
A square piece of fabric for the back measuring 7.75"x7.75"
Clear vinyl measuring 4.75"x4.75"
Sew the two 4.75"x2" strips to opposite sides of your vinyl, like this-
Take one of your 7.75"x2" strips and pin it, right sides together, to your square.
Sew it. Should now look like this:
Take your other 7.75" x 2" strip and pin it to your square.
Right sides together!!
Sew it, and it should look like this:
Now, take your back piece (7.75" x 7.75") and pin it to your completed square, right sides together.
Sew all four sides, leaving a small gap on one side to pour in your plastic pellets and miniatures. Like so:
Turn your bag right side out, and iron if you think it needs it.
(do NOT iron the vinyl....just the fabric)
Now for the fun part!
Choose your miniatures. I found all mine in the scrapbooking aisle at Hobby Lobby and on the dollhouse aisle.
I love miniature stuff! Some of my favorites:
Click to enlarge and see the cuteness!
I let my kiddos choose which ones they wanted in their bags.
Next up, add the plastic pellets. I used 2.5 cups for each bag.
Sew your hole closed, and now you have an I Spy bag!!
Close ups:
Mr. A's bag
Miss J's bag
I added a tag to each bag with a picture list of everything inside. It helps me turn it into a game for them. I just say "can you find the ____ ?"
I found clip art images of the items, and used Word to make the tags. Each tag is 4"x4", and is laminated for durability.
To attach the tags to the bags, I used large eyelets (also called grommets).
All Done!